School Building Project 01

School Building Project (Junior Common Room)

By Mr B. Tilbrook

SINCE a considerable amount of time and attention will be devoted to the school building project in the coming months, it may be of value to remind parents and boys, particularly those who are newcomers to the school, of the reasons for erecting such a building.

To restate what I wrote in the Fair programme, the building will provide accommodation for school and visiting teams, enabling them to meet for refreshments in pleasant surroundings, independent of the main buildings; the architect's design makes provision for a small kitchen at one end of the proposed structure.

During weekdays the building will be used as a Common Room for the rapidly growing Sixth Forms, and this will free space in the school itself.

Various clubs and societies will be allowed to use the Common Room for their activities, and eventually it should provide a pleasant meeting place for the Old Boys' Association.

It should be possible for the building to be used either as one large hall for dances, social events and for the showing of films or, with the introduction of a movable partition, as two completely independent rooms.

The site chosen is, in the circumstances, the best one available, and enables the new building to be linked with the main services of the school.

The probable cost will be somewhere in the region of £5,000, towards which the St. Nicholas Fair has already contributed over £1,000. By our own efforts and enterprise we are providing necessary facilities which we cannot fairly expect the County Council to give. The St. Nicholas Fair has made this building possible, and thanks are due to all those who helped in the last week before the Fair and on the day; I should particularly like to thank all the boys who gave up their time some months before the Fair, many of them volunteering to help even before volunteers had been sought.


1959-60 School Magazine


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