The St. Nicholas Parents' Association 02 (1956-57)


By S. E. HARRIS (Chairman)


Chairman S. E. HARRIS, Esq.
Hon. Secretaries C. S. GOODWIN (Parents), Esq. P. H. J. H. GOSDEN, Esq. (School)
Hon. Treasurer T. C. STODDART, Esq.

NOW that we are nearing the end of the School's second year, I have again been asked by the Headmaster to give a summary of the activities of the Parents' Association since the last issue of the school magazine.

One of the most important new projects initiated during the year by the Association was the "Friends of the Library" scheme, which has made a most encouraging start. While the response has been very satisfactory, however, there are no doubt a number of parents who, for one reason or another, have not yet carried out their intention to subscribe. If you do intend to send a contribution to Mr. Ridge may I ask you to do so now so that we can make the library worthy of the School in the shortest possible time?

Grants have already been made from the Association funds towards the library and also to the School orchestra which made its debut this term. At the St. Nicholas Fair which is to be held on July 13th it is hoped to exceed the figure of £150 raised at last year's successful Bring and Buy Sale. The whole of the proceeds on this occasion are to be devoted to the provision of additional instruments for the School orchestra and for improvements to the stage facilities.

This year has seen the formation of the Dramatic Group of the Parents' Association and on May 10th they gave an excellent evening's entertainment with splendid assistance in the way of musical items by members of the staff and by parents. This Dramatic Group is very small at present and I would appeal to any parent interested in any form of dramatic or musical entertainment to telephone Mrs. Tyler at Byron 8367.

Several enjoyable social occasions were held during the year, commencing with the Social in October, which it is hoped will become an annual event, and followed by a very successful dance in November. Thanks are due to Mr. and Mrs. D. Smith for giving up their Wednesday evenings throughout the winter months to give instruction in old time dancing. Provided sufficient support can be obtained for these old time evenings, it is hoped to carry on with them again next season. A table for table tennis has been presented to the School by those parents who took part last winter.

Space does not permit of a detailed account of all the activities of the Association but these included a very successful Poultry Whist Drive in December and an equally successful Jumble Sale in March at which over £40 was raised. Of the other events, mention must be made of the evening in February when Dr. Dobson, the Area Medical Officer, gave a most interesting talk and, despite a very heavy cold, stood up remarkably well to a barrage of questions on matters concerning boys' health.

This record over the past year was only achieved by the considerable efforts of a number of willing parents and while it is obviously impossible to mention all those who gave up so much of their time on behalf of the Association, I should particularly like to refer to the Officers - to Mr. Stoddart, who has for the past two years so ably conducted the finances of the Association, as well as being responsible for the organisation of last year's Bring and Buy Sale and this year's St. Nicholas Fair, events which have involved a considerable amount of work, and to Mr. Goodwin, the Secretary, who has had an extremely busy year with his recording of the many Committee meetings and with sundry correspondence.

Finally, I hope I shall not be considered ungallant if I leave to the last the ladies who, under the efficient direction of Mrs. Saunders, have been responsible for the catering arrangements throughout the year at all the Association's events. This is arduous work and the efforts of these ladies have done much to make these events such a success.

As I said last year the Association's ultimate aim must be 100 per cent membership of all parents and to those of you who have not yet joined and to those who have forgotten to renew your subscriptions, may I appeal once again for your support?


Summer 1957 School Magazine


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