The Book

THE BOOK (1958-59) 

Original Work by R. SEYMOUR, 2D

I chanced upon a book today,
I opened it and haste to say,
The story was of such a kind
That nowadays you seldom find.
It told of dragons, knights so bold,
Perilous quests and deeds once told
With bated breath by damsels fair
To chambermaids who dressed their hair.
In thought I wandered through the ages,
As I turned the dusty pages.
Oh! to ride with Arthur's knights
Partaking of their many fights
To help the weak, to free the land
Of tyrants, 'neath whose iron hand
The poor man, hungry and oppressed,
Oft sought to find eternal rest.
Alas, such things were not for me;
My mother called, "It's time for tea."


Summer 1958-59 School Magazine


The Future of the School
(1956 Summer Magazine)

PA Drams Double Bill (1964)

The Old Boys' Association
(1961-62 Magazine)

The Headmaster
(1956 Summer Magazine)