The Watchers - A Parody


Original Work by M. J. SPAIN, IC

(With apologies to Walter de la Mare)

"Is there anything on telly?" called the milkman,
Knocking on the Jones's door;
And his horse in the roadway chewed the grasses,
And the milk-crates rattled on the floor.
And a mouse scampered out from an outhouse
Close to the milkman's head.
And he bashed on the knocker of the door a second time,
"Is there anything on ?" he said.
But no one called down to the milkman;
No note on the window sill
Told of them who would be back again
To where he stood perplexed and still.
Then he suddenly smote on the door, even
Louder, and lifting his head,
Yelled, "Tell them I came and no one answered,
That I brought the milk," he said.


(This parody was judged the best first form entry in the 1956 Verse Competition.)

Summer 1957 School Magazine


The Future of the School
(1956 Summer Magazine)

PA Drams Double Bill (1964)

The Old Boys' Association
(1961-62 Magazine)

The Headmaster
(1956 Summer Magazine)