The St. Nicholas Parents' Association 04 (1958-59)


By C. S. GOODWIN (Chairman)

Parents' Association


President Chairman

Hon. Secretaries
Mrs. D. I. WARREN (Parents) Dr. P. H. J. H. GOSDEN (School)

Hon. Treasurer

THE 1958/59 session brought an almost complete change in the composition of the Executive Committee and so it was appropriate to re-consider the aims and objects of the Parents' Association. It was decided that the Association could best help the School by raising funds to increase the facilities which were lacking and unlikely to be provided quickly if at all, from official funds.

The building-up of the school library was made a special aim for 1958/59 and efforts were canalised to this end. The main contribution from the Parents came from the 1959 St. Nicholas Fair. The net profit of over £700 was more than twice the sum expected. The weather could not have been kinder and parents gave wonderful support. The sale of nearly 8,000 programmes by the boys represented a masterly piece of organisation by Mr. Tilbrook. He and Mr. Freeman (Fair Organiser) deserve special mention for their prodigious work over a period of many weeks beforehand. But a host of workers were behind them and St. Nicholas Fair 1959 was a fine example of what can be achieved by good team-work.

The social and educational events contributed to make a full programme for the year, and the Whist Drives arranged by Mrs. Warren were a regular feature. The annual dance held at the Headstone Hotel, North Harrow, was unfortunately only moderately supported. A most successful social event, which was arranged by the ladies as an experiment, was the Family Party in June. similar social opens the 1959-60 programme. One of the highlights of the last year was the Brains Trust, in which educational opinion was well represented. There was also a most interesting talk on vaccinations by the school's Medical Officer.

A word about membership: there seems no good reason why it should not be 100 per cent. The relatively new school may seem to have emerged from most of its teething troubles but please do not think that there is no more important work for the Parents' Association to tackle. There is clearly much to be done, and the school needs the special support of all parents in this period when the existence of grammar schools might be in jeopardy.

I should like to take this opportunity of saying a word of thanks to the officers and members of the Executive Committee for the help they have given me, both in committee and in numerous practical ways, during my year as chairman. Mrs Warren and Mr. Hilburn as Secretary and Treasurer respectively, and Mrs. Hilburn in charge of the catering side, discharged their duties admirably.

C. S. G.

1958-59 School Magazine


Expansion of the Universities (1959-60)


A Man for all Seasons (1963)

Ski Tour