The St. Nicholas Parents' Association 06 (1960-61)


By R. E. HUDSON (Chairman)

Parents' Association


President Chairman

THE foundation upon which the Association rests was well and truly laid by the Parents, who formed it; and we have been most fortunate in each successive year, in the enthusiasm of new members who have joined our ranks. In its short life the Association has been able to make available to the school over £1,750. In addition, it was decided just over twelve months ago to provide a Junior Common Room, to be used also for social functions and the entertainment of visiting teams. A project costing £5,500 was no small undertaking for a young association, and although the appeal made to all parents for gifts and loans produced fewer than 150 replies, representing some £500, the generous assistance of four or five parents and friends, together with the profits of the 1960 and 1961 St. Nicholas Fairs, has enabled us to go ahead, and it is expected that the building will soon be in use. The debt we have to face will be over £3,000, but I am sure that, with the continued enthusiasm of parents, this will be liquidated within the next few years.

Our thanks are due especially to Mr. J. N. Wall, A.R.I.B.A., who has designed and supervised the construction of the building, and to Mr. Sharpe and Mr. Wakeling, who have also given freely of their time and professional advice; nor must we forget the members of the Executive Committee, who have had to attend so many meetings.

Social activities during the year have included the Annual Dance at the Headstone Hotel, and two car rallies organised by Mr. Ridge, to whom we owe our thanks. The Drama Section produced Murder at the Vicarage, and Whist Drives, organised by Mr. Freeman, were held regularly. A successful new venture was the film show arranged to give parents an insight into the many out-of-school activities organised by members of the staff for the benefit of the boys.

The St. Nicholas Fair was again the highlight of the year, and our grateful thanks are due once again to Mr. Tilbrook for his untiring work and artistic guidance on this event. The Fairs and, indeed, many other activities of the Association would not be the same without his enthusiasm and special knowledge. Mr. Freeman again gave invaluable assistance in the erecting of flag-poles and the organising of side-shows.

During the year the ladies have been busier than ever. We owe much to the efforts of the Working Party, under Mrs. Davies, the Sports Refreshments Group, under Mrs. Henderson, and the Catering Committee and its helpers, under Mrs. Hilburn.

The Executive Committee will greatly miss the services of Mrs. Davies and Mr. Ingram, who retired at the end of the year. We are sure, however, that their valuable assistance will still be available to the Association.

Finally, may I express my personal thanks to all who have given me such loyal support during my year as Chairman, and to the Association in general for affording my wife and me the opportunity of making so many friends during the past five years.


1960-61 School Magazine


Expansion of the Universities (1959-60)


A Man for all Seasons (1963)

Ski Tour