Speech Day 02 (Nov 1957)


By Mr P Gosden

THE second annual Speech Day was held on 19th November, 1957. Professor Norman of King's College, London, was the guest speaker, and Mrs. Norman distributed the prizes and trophies. The Vice-Chairman of the North West Middlesex Executive Commitee, Cllr. Charles, presided.

In the course of his review of the last academical year, the Headmaster explained that the school intended that the more able boys should take the General Certificate of Education at Ordinary Level four years after coming to the school instead of after the customary five. The report showed that good progress had been made both in academical and other fields of activity, including games, dramatics, the orchestra and the choir.

After the presentation of prizes and trophies, Professor Norman delivered his address. He took as his theme the work and the life of a student at Oxford and Cambridge: during the past century the modern Universities had grown up under the lead given by the University of London and it was here that perhaps five-sixths of the student population were now studying. Many of these young men and women inevitably had to face long journeys each day to their place of study, and every effort was made to make available to all a variety of activities in which they could. join, thus becoming imbued with the atmosphere of University life even though they were unable to enjoy the advantages of residence. Professor Norman stressed the importance for a boy of learning to read intelligently while at school if he were to be capable of studying properly at the University; the sixth-former must learn to recognize the important and to discard the irrelevant, to make intelligent notes on his reading and, more generally, to drink deeply of the critical spirit.

The Chairman of the Ruislip-Northwood Urban District Council, Cllr. Lambert, proposed the vote of thanks to Professor Norman and this was seconded by Mr. Harris, first Chairman of the Parents' Association.

Two enjoyable interludes were provided by the school choir and the trio.

PRIZES 1956-57


IV D. Clive, P. W. Sargeant, D. Woodham

IIIA R. Williams, C. Snook

IIIB R. Thompson

IIA D. H. Melzack, R. J. Lake, J. H. Wright. C. J. Holcombe

IIB R. Field. R. J. Finer, K. A. Withers

IIC P. J. Lawson, W. G. Miller

IID C. Stoddart

Forms I: R. Davies, M. K. Henry, J. A. Dean, J. F. Mason, J. Thompson, R. E. Howes, V. W. Bryant, M. J. Dunn. R. A. Wormald

Art Prize: R. W. Nicholson

Progress Prize for Art: C. G. Goodwin

Music Prize: P. Wallis

Handicraft Prize: R. E. D. Furney

Prize for Dramatics: P. F. Buck

Prize for Chess: C. G. Goodwin

Geography Prize (presented by Mrs. I. J. Marsingall-Thomas): J. F. Mason

Ruislip-Northwood Rotary Club Prize for Service: D. W. Higgs


1957-58 School Magazine


The Future of the School
(1956 Summer Magazine)

The Old Boys' Association
(1961-62 Magazine)

The Headmaster
(1956 Summer Magazine)

(1973-74 Magazine)