Speech Day 07 (Oct 1962)


By E. F. Cattermole M6Sc

THE ability to maintain the interest of everybody, from the oldest parent to the youngest schoolboy, for a reasonably long period is a rare asset among Speech Day guests, and consequently it was very satisfying to the school to be able to welcome Mr. Alec Dickson, founder of Voluntary Service Overseas, to address the school with more than a little eloquence.

Mr. Dickson did not, however, dwell for long on V.S.O., other than to say what it was, and to recommend it to members, present and future, of the Sixth Form. His main topic was a similar enterprise which is getting under way in this country, and which is thus an acceptable proposition to many older students. He cited a number of instances of what had already been achieved, mentioning sixth formers entertaining blind children, and Rover Scouts working on an "Open Prison" scheme with some of the younger inmates of Wandsworth jail.

The enthusiastic acclamation Mr. Dickson received from the School was indicative of the interest he aroused in his scheme and the impression his speech had made upon the audience.


1963-64 School Magazine


The Future of the School
(1956 Summer Magazine)

The Old Boys' Association
(1961-62 Magazine)

The Headmaster
(1956 Summer Magazine)

(1973-74 Magazine)